Thursday, November 27, 2008

Call for Presenters - 2009 CAASP Retreat

The 2009 CAASP Retreat has been scheduled for the 2nd to 4th of September, and will once again take place at the beautiful all-inclusive Kempenfelt Conference Resort in Barrie, Ontario.

We are currently seeking proposals for Presenters for the 2009 Retreat in the following areas:
  • Best Practices in Anger Solutions(TM)
  • Innovation and Creativity in Service Delivery
  • Business Development and Growth/Social Enterprise
  • Personal/Professional Development
  • Research
  • Branding, Marketing, and Sales
The audience will be comprised of counsellors, addiction workers, mental health workers, social workers both in private practice and working for an agency, coaches, and students.

Our theme for the 2009 is "Building a Dream" ~ as Anger Solutions moves into other provinces across Canada, and internationally, the focus for 2009 is on creating sustainability for the program and its providers while maintaining the program's integrity. Authorized Anger Solutions Providers are working together to compile data on the success of their respective programs so that together we can see Anger Solutions universally recognized as an evidence-based practice. Moving forward from last year's theme of "Igniting Passion", we are looking toward working together to build a network that is solid in both its structure and its ease of communication regardless of geographical location.

To that end, we will give preference to submissions that achieve the following:
  • are specific to the Anger Solutions program (especially in the area of research, best practices, and creativity and innovation)
  • provide practical tools and strategies for private practitioners to build, expand, and/or effectively brand their services
  • demonstrate viable ways for Authorized Anger Solutions Providers and/or the CAASP to participate in Social Enterprise projects
  • addresses new research or emerging literature about trends in anger management services and/or presents recent findings about the success of Anger Solutions programs within specific settings
  • engage the attendees in developing strategies to refresh, relax, and rejuvenate while at the retreat.
How to Submit:

The deadline for submissions is Monday, February 3, 2009. Please send in the following information in the order described below to the CAASP Retreat via

CAASP Member in good standing? Yes ________ No _________
Level of CAASP Membership: Facilitator ____ Trainer ____ Master Trainer ___
Contact Information: (Address with postal code)

Presentation Title:
Stream in which the presentation best fits:
Abstract of presentation (no more than 200 words please):
Percentage of presentation that is lecture style:
Percentage of presentation that is interactive:
Who is this presentation best suited for?
Will you have a co-presenter? If yes, please include their name and contact information as well.
Length of presentation: 60 minutes ________ 90 minutes __________
Would you be open to your presentation being delivered as a Poster Presentation?
Will you need visual aids? If so, please specify - e.g. digital projector, flipchart, screen
Will you be providing handouts to the audience members?

Please note that the CAASP is not in a position to pay our presenters; however, we do offer a special discounted all-inclusive conference rate to our speakers.

Submission Deadline is February 3, 2009!

Once all submissions are received, we will review and notify all applicants whether or not their presentation has been accepted for the 2009 retreat. Speakers for the retreat will be solidified by March 15, 2009.

Any questions? Call 1-866-754-6169 or email

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Forgiveness and Acceptance - by Tom Caswell

Forgiveness and Acceptance
My work with adults has uncovered an interesting phenomenon. People are often hung-up in their lives by their unwillingness, or inability to accept certain situations in their lives and to learn to forgive.Often, I am confronted by a client on this topic as they state, "Why should I forgive for him/her for what they did to me. I did nothing wrong." You are right! You did nothing wrong, and you were victimized! But my question is; how are you managing as you carry the negative emotions from those situations around with you in your everyday life?

Julie has written a chapter in her Anger Solutions book which addresses this concern. She states, ' Many of us don't want to forgive others because we think that forgiveness somehow means we condone what was done to us. People think that those who forgive are weak and that forgiveness is a sign of giving in.' She goes on to add that we deprive ourselves of emotional freedom when we are unable to forgive and let go of the past.

On a personal note, I can attest to this. Many people hurt us and have done terrible things to us. The amount of energy it takes to continue to despise someone is incredible and this takes away from our ability to develop positive self energy. But forgiveness is not just about others. It is about us. How many times have we done things which we know were hurtful and unfair? Some people continue to deny their role in the situation and will scapegoat others by manipulating the situation or twisting the facts to make themselves seem less responsible. We have no control over these people. We only have control over ourselves and our behaviours.

Emotional Brass Ring focuses on how to learn to forgive ourselves as well as forgive others. How to accept your faults, learn from your mistakes and use this knowledge in a proactive way. How to use your past experiences to develop a more satisfied you, which in turn will enhance the lives of others through the normal 'ripple effect'. Emotional Brass Ring is about shedding ourselves of the unnecessary weight of negative past experiences and strengthening ourselves by positive, healthy decision making and boundary setting.We do not forgive for the reason of allowing others feel better. We need to do it for ourselves. Just another tool to utilize as you practice your personal self care and develop the 'you' which until now, you may have thought was just an unattainable 'brass ring'.
Posted by Thomas G Caswell BSW, RSW at 8:16 AM at - Please visit Tom's Blog and leave him a comment!

On another note - Anger Pros - please get your blog sites set up as well - let's make the most of this forum!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Coaching vs. Therapy - What Every Anger Solutions Pro Should Know

Specifically for Anger Solutions(TM) Coaches: The Difference Between Counselling and Coaching (courtesy of the International Coaching Federation)

Here are seven major differences between traditional psychotherapy and coaching:

  • As coaches we don’t “treat” mental health disorders. Coaches are collaborators rather than experts. (This is the most difficult adjustment I’ve witnessed with therapists transitioning into coaching.)

  • Therapists rely on psychological theory, etiology and treatment plans for wisdom; as coaches, we look within the client for wisdom.

  • Therapy often asks, “Why?” and concerns itself with the client’s past; coaching often asks, “What?” and concerns itself more with the present and future.

  • Therapy seeks to fix unresolved issues; coaching seeks to help the client achieve greater fulfillment, balance and be fully in the process of his or her life.

  • Co-Active coaching focuses on the client’s whole life; traditional psychotherapy targets specific symptoms.

  • Traditional therapists withhold intuitive thoughts; coaches blurt intuitive thoughts.

Top 10 Best Practices: Coaching, Not Therapy (Jeff Kaplan, 2005)

  • During the intake, clearly define and co-design the coaching relationship with your client—identifying what coaching is and what coaching isn’t. See, item #13 for a distinction of coaching from other services, including therapy.

  • Ask your new clientif s/he is in therapy. If so, get written permission to speak with the client’s therapist, making sure the therapist understands your role and the coaching goals. Yield to the therapist as having primary responsibility for the client’s well-being.

  • If the client is not in counseling and needs therapy in order to overcome a mental health disorder that is significantly impacting his or her daily functioning, do not begin coaching until the client is in therapy and is stable. If you’ve already begun coaching, then limit the focus and scope of the coaching to getting the client into therapy as soon as possible.

  • Do not agree to provide coaching as a substitute for needed therapy, regardless of the value you might be able to provide to your client.

  • If you are unsure about the potential therapy needs of a particular client, consult with other seasoned coaches, therapists and/or a lawyer who is an expert in this area.

  • Document! For example, record in your client’s notes that you gave him or her a handout on “Coaching Versus Therapy” in the client’s welcome packet and/or keep a copy of the signed coaching agreement that clearly distinguishes coaching as separate and distinct from therapy.

  • Continually seek out advanced coach training, especially in ethical practices.

  • Continually seek to improve yourself personally, raising your own level of self-understanding and clarifying your own needs. The more self-aware you are, the more “places” you will be able to travel with your client and greater benefit you will be able to provide as a coach.

  • Communicate with your client. Don’t shy away from a much-needed conversation because it might be uncomfortable. Share your concerns and ask questions.

  • Trust your instincts.
    Adhering to this list of best practices will not guarantee a totally risk-free coaching business, but hopefully it has stimulated your awareness and will help you to minimize the risk of crossing into therapy territory. In practice, it is relatively uncommon for coaches to find themselves working with a client who should be in therapy instead of, or at least in addition to, coaching. If it does happen to you, however, hopefully you’ll now be more prepared.

    Jeff Kaplan, PhD, is a certified Co-Active coach, licensed psychologist, author and trainer. He has a full-time private coaching business, working with middle- and senior-level executives. He has contributed much of his spare time and money developing programs to help underprivileged and troubled youth. In addition, Jeff just launched his new “Build Your Coaching Business NOW” program—a 16-week marketing and sales program for new coaches (six months-three years in practice). He can be reached at

Monday, September 8, 2008

Video Highlights from CAASP Retreat 2008

I'll let this speak for itself...


Sunday, September 7, 2008

1st Annual Retreat a Resounding Success!

Many thanks to all who attended the First Annual Retreat of the CAASP - It was a wonderful 2.5 days - loads of fun, and truly inspiring for everyone. The full photo diary is on Facebook (search Julie Christiansen), but I have included a few snapshots here. This is the motley crew - a fun and crazy bunch!
Laughter "Yoga" - Workshop led by Shane

Julie delivering the keynote
Sandi facilitated a great workshop on Creativity
Paul Copcutt - teaching us how to brand Anger Solutions within our brand - terrific workshop! So much so that Shane actually proposed...
There are many more photos and video still to come! Keep checking back for updates...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Eight Spaces Left for CAASP Retreat!

Anger Solutions Facilitators and Certified Trainers, unite! :) The first annual retreat for the Canadian Association of Anger Solutions Professionals takes place this September 3rd to 5th at the beautiful Kempenfelt Conference Resort in Barrie, Ontario. This is a trip well worth taking - the entire event is completely ALL-INCLUSIVE - you just have to get there, and you will have no other expenses associated with the conference. Located right on the banks of Lake Simcoe, you will experience top-notch, dynamic speakers while having time to refresh and relax before we launch back into our own silly season of school and work. Take the plunge and decide to join us today. Only 8 rooms left! Call 1-8766-754-6169 to reserve your spot, or register online at Event Brite (

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Registering for CAASP Retreat

The CAASP is operating as a not-for-profit organization; however we have not made the steps to become incorporated as yet. The government does not require not for profits to incorporate or register, and there are thousands of not-for-profit organizations in operation across Canada that are not currently incorporated.

We do intend to register the CAASP as an incorporated not-for-profit, but this is something that will not likely happen until after the September retreat, as there are steps we must take before submitting our application:
  • articles of incorporation need to be written
  • board representatives must be identified
  • bylaws for the association must also be defined
I trust that we can accomplish some or all of this during our "down time" at the retreat, so that we can go ahead with incorporating. Until that time, CAASP is operating under the sponsorship of BODA reLEAF consulting.

So - when you are submitting your registration forms, if you are paying by cheque, please make your cheque payable to BODA reLEAF consulting, and put in the reference line: CAASP Retreat. We will ensure that retreat/membership funds go into a separate account line - any surplus in that account will be used for the purposes of furthering the objectives of the association. This will hold true for anyone who registers using a credit card as well. Thanks for understanding, and for your cooperation.

If you have any questions about this, please call 1-866-754-6169.

Julie Christiansen

Friday, June 13, 2008

CAASP Retreat is September 3 - 5, 2008

It has come to my attention that the flyers that just went out have a typo on one side - so to clarify: the retreat dates are September 3rd to 5th, 2008. The 8 on the registration form is a definite typo! Thanks for understanding!

I also want to recognize our sponsors for this event:
Gold -
BODA reLEAF consulting (
Canadian Mental Health Association, Sault Ste. Marie (

Silver -
Red Chair Branding (

Bronze -
Giant Life Solutions (

Sponsorship opportunities are still available (in limited quantity). To obtain a sponsorship information package, please contact Tom Caswell care of the CMHA in Sault Ste. Marie. 705-759-0458, ext. 241. Thanks!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Registration Tool Now Available

You can now go to EVENTBRITE ( to register for the CAASP retreat. The direct link is and from there you can choose the ticket type that fits (Student, Presenter, First registrant from your agency, or Additional registrant from your agency). Pay with credit card with secure Paypal service. Want to register old school? Have no fear! Call us at 1-866-754-6169 to let us know and we'll take care of you!

Just a reminder - if you'd like to learn more about our lineup of speakers, please scroll back through the archives of this blog. You'll meet Richard Elmes, Sandi Harmer, and Gerry Visca in that descending order. More profiles to come.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Introducing Richard Elmes

It is my great pleasure to introduce you to Richard Elmes, the Sales Dating Guy ( Rich and I have been friends and colleagues for some years now, and he is without a doubt one of the smartest people I know when it comes to sales and marketing strategies. Richard's goal is to help you make your product or service sexier so that you attract more sales, and at the CAASP Retreat this September 3-5 in Barrie, he aims to do exactly that. Here's a little more about Rich:

Richard Elmes is a dynamic keynote speaker, coach and workshop leader who is not afraid to get personal with his audiences. He follows definite themes, but each program is customized to meet the needs of the clients.

The expertise that Richard brings to his clients comes from over 21 years of selling experience, in retail, business-to-business, and institutional settings. This includes selling both products and services in both inside & outside sales positions. He is a wealth of knowledge, having read over 1200 books in the past 11 years on Selling, Business, Leadership, Self-Development and the Human Condition. He holds a Certified Sales Professional from Canadian Professional Sales Association and is the author of four audio-books titled:

* How to have the Life you have always dream about
* The Sales Professional's guide to becoming Sexier to your ideal customer, so you can sell more stuff
* 'Til Death do us Part (Understanding how to keep Customers for Life) * Instant Genius (18 business book summaries in less than one hour)the DVD:
*Attraction Marketing (Why women should be better @ Sales than Men)

and 3 Booklets:
* Making Connections (How to be more effective @ Networking Events)
* The Sales Professional's guide to becoming Sexier to your ideal customer, so you can sell more stuff
* The 7+ Habit of Highly Effective Husbands

We are so excited to have Rich part of our incredible lineup of speakers for the CAASP Conference this fall - September 3-5, 2008 at the Kempenfelt Conference Centre in Barrie, Ontario. Rich will be sharing how we as agencies and private practitioners can build our client bases (or our private businesses) through effective sales and marketing strategies. Rich is a top notch guy with some incredibly brilliant ideas to help us take Anger Solutions to where we want it to go. You won't want to miss his session on Friday, September 5th!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What Time Is It? (Viral Video - Pass it On!)

It's time for the CAASP to come together! Please note the dates have changed to September 3-5, 2008 - this is a GOOD thing! By changing the dates, we will be saving each attendee approximately $100 off your registration fees. Join us for this groundbreaking event! I hope to see you there.

Julie Christiansen

Monday, April 28, 2008

Congratulations to our new Graduates!

A hearty congratulations to our new Certified Trainers who graduated from the T3 program that was held recently in April 2008. We are so very excited to have you on the team, and especially thrilled to have our first graduate from out of province! Here are our grads...

  • Elizabeth Sheppard Hewitt, Social Worker from the START Clinic at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital in St. John's Newfoundland (seated - middle)

  • Richard Elmes (a.k.a. "the Sales Dating Guy) - who will be helping us to refine our marketing strategies both as an association and as Anger Solutions(TM) Professionals, Guelph, Ontario (standing - left)

  • Shane Flanagan, Giant Life Solutions, St. Catharines, Ontario (standing - right)

  • Patricia Houston, Community Mental Health Counsellor for Child & Youth Wellness Centre of Leeds& Grenville (seated - right)

  • Emily Tilsworth, Attendance Centre Coordinator for the John Howard Society of Victoria/Haliburton/Simcoe & Muskoka (seated - left)

It was a terrific 3 days, with lots of laughter and sharing. Thank you all for being a part of the T3 program, and I know you will all do amazing things with this program!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jack Canfield at One of Our Events? Maybe Someday...

April 15th will go down in my history books as a day to remember - it was the day that I was able to cross off another one of my life goals: meeting Jack Canfield (, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, contributor to The Secret, and world class speaker, in person. The all day seminar event took place in Caledon, Ontario and was hosted by The Phenomenal View (

Jack is who I want to be when I grow up - smart, funny, compassionate, humble, gracious, and rich :). He spent the day teaching the intimate audience of about 250 people from his book The Success Principles, and reminded us that often getting what we want is as simple as asking for it. So does that mean that someday we could have Jack Canfield keynote a CAASP Conference? Why not!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Introducing Sandi Harmer

I want to introduce you to Sandi Harmer, one of our exceptional Certified Anger Solutions(TM) Trainers, who lives in Kanata, Ontario (west of Ottawa). Sandi has published a wonderful new children's book entitled, Grumblies and Rainbows in Crayonland. We hope to have Sandi in our lineup of dynamic and varied speakers for this year's CAASP Conference. There is not enough that I can say about Sandi. She is a multi-talented, gentle-spirited person with a huge heart, and a wonderful sense of humour. A good friend, and an amazing trainer! Sandi is a terrific addition to any team, and I'm proud to have her as a member of the CAASP.
Sandi Harmer, is an international speaker on women and children’s issues and has over 35 years experience working with children. Sandi wrote, hosted and produced an award winning children’s television show, The Jellybeans Show. She received the Community Builder Award (United Way) and her name is inscribed on the Wall of Inspiration at Ottawa City Hall. Sandi was nominated for the Dr. Dan Offord Excellency Award 2006 for working with children and was nominated for the Women of Distinction Award 2007 in Education, Training and Development for the National Capital Region YM-YWCA. She is a published author of two training manuals sold worldwide. Sandi lives in Kanata, ON. She is the mother of two children and grandmother of five. Information on how to order Sandi's book will be coming soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gerry Visca - A Dynamo of Inspiration!

Gerry Visca of the IGNITE Idea Centre and Red Chair Branding, will be one of the great dynamic speakers sharing his inspirational and practical ideas with the attendees of the First Annual CAASP Retreat. Click and watch this short video - nothing I could say could describe Gerry's enthusiasm and passion any more than he can himself. I'm sure you'll agree - this fellow is worth coming out for!

Friday, March 7, 2008

About the CAASP

For several years now, we (that is certified Anger Solutions(TM) Trainers and Facilitators) tossed around the idea of creating a forum whereby certified Anger Solutions(TM) counsellors, coaches and certified trainers could come together to share best practices, ideas on tailoring the program, and to help each other apply for program funding from various community and government bodies. We finally put that dialogue into action, and in January of 2007, we launched the CAASP.

The Canadian Association of Anger Solution(TM) Professionals is dedicated to enhancing the
excellence, enhancement, and professionalism of Anger Solutions(TM) Practitioners, Trainers, and Coaches. The CAASP's temporary website is currently partnered with BRC's until our permanent home on the web is established and fully functional. Members have access to a discussion board through Google Groups (go to and search Canadian Association of Anger Solutions Professionals), blogs (located here at, continuing education opportunities, and of course, an annual retreat. My many many thanks to Sandi Harmer (Eastern Ontario) and Tom Caswell (Northern Ontario) for their assistance in planning and executing the plans for the CAASP, and to all of our Certified Trainers and Facilitators for their continued commitment to letting the world in on what we already know - that Anger Solutions(TM) is one of the most effective tools for helping people to resolve their anger and take control of their emotions!

Membership Information is available on the website - Membership levels range from Student to Organization. The association's Code of Ethics is also on the site, and there is a list of our certified trainers and facilitators on the site. We hope you will join in our excitement at this next step in the evolution of the program, and that we can count on your involvement.

Don't forget to save the date! September 10-12, 2008 in Barrie, Ontario - the First Annual CAASP Retreat - "Ignite Your Passion!"