Tuesday, December 11, 2012

History of the Canadian Association of Anger Solutions Practitioners

How CAASP Came into Being:

Since the establishment of BODA reLEAF consulting in 1997, over 200 counsellors, social workers, and private practitioners have received training in Anger Solutions™. The Train the Trainer program was developed in 2004 to meet the need of agencies experiencing high staff turnover, which often resulted in a loss of the program when trained facilitators moved on to new jobs. Since 2004, over 50 Trainers have been certified along with four Master Trainers, several of whom have taken on added responsibility within a growing network of Anger Solutions™ Practitioners.

To meet the growing need for networking, continued education, and accountability within the network of Anger Solutions Practitioners, it was decided in 2006 to create an association for AS professionals. The goal of the association is to facilitate communication and sharing of best practices in AS across the network, and to work together to pool our resources by way of collecting and compiling data on the success of our respective programs. As stated in our mission – we are dedicated to enhancing the professionalism of AS practitioners at all levels, as well as positioning Anger Solutions™ as the single, best choice for anger programming in Canada.

The association, while still in its infancy is developing a structure – another stage of that development comes with the utilization of technology for us to stay connected.  Current technological advances mean that we can communicate more easily than ever before. To date, the association has developed these means of inter-communication:

·         Anger Solutions™ Coaches Corner – a periodical E-Newsletter that is sent electronically to all certified AS Facilitators and Trainers (current and lapsed).

·         Resources, reports, assessment tools, and a library of reading materials conveniently placed online (currently under new development – we will be bringing you a new site with a new look, and more resources. In the meantime, please refer to the blog for news and tools you can use).

·         A directory of current association members in good standing (also found at www.angersolution.com/membership.php)

·         The CAASP Annual Retreat. 2008 was our first year hosting the retreat, which was generously sponsored by the Canadian Mental Health Association of Sault Ste. Marie, Giant Life Solutions, BODA reLEAF consulting, and Red Chair Branding. At this meeting, the group in attendance worked together to further solidify the structure of the organization, voting in a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Membership Coordinator, and establishing the bylaws of the association.  Due to the economic recession which began at the end of 2008, it was decided to put the annual retreat on hold until the economy recovered. Alas, it is 2012 and the world still appears to be reeling from the impact of the 2008 crisis, although here in Canada, we are experiencing slow but steady recovery. When the retreat resumes, it will take place at the same time each year – the final week of the summer before Labour Day weekend. It was agreed by all in attendance at the 2008 retreat that we will continue to host the retreat at the Kempenfelt Conference Resort in Barrie, Ontario for at least 2 more years.

·         Anger Pros Blog: http://www.angerpros.blogspot.com – a tool for passing on relevant information between newsletter publishings.

·         Tele-classes for continuing education – now f*ree to all members in good standing.

As a member of the CAASP, you can take advantage of these opportunities to share information and be a part of the ongoing development of the Anger Solutions™ Program.


Levels of Membership and 2012/13 Membership Fees*

Currently licencing/membership is set at $75.00/year. In 2013, Membership fees will be increased to $95/calendar year.

*Fees are subject to change without notice. Current fees for members in good standing  will be honoured for the duration of their membership year.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Anger Solutions for Kids

   Helping children aged 9 – 13 express their emotions safely and appropriately, and learn to make better decisions
Dear Parent,

Does your child struggle with emotional regulation? Does s/he get irritated or frustrated easily or fly off the handle for no apparent reason? Are you worried about behaviour issues at school? Has your child been disciplined at school for undesirable behaviours?

Anger Solutions for Kids will teach your child how to recognize and label emotions; how to express them in a way that is safe and appropriate; and how to make decisions that will create better outcomes every time. Anger Solutions for Kids is NOT anger management. We do not believe that anger should be “controlled”. Anger is not wrong; however, the choices we make when we are angry often get us into trouble. Anger Solutions is all about making better choices – choices that help kids resolve their problems rather than creating new ones.

Anger Solutions for Kids can be offered on an individual basis, but is typically presented to small groups of children, enabling them to interact, share, play, and discover new methods for effectively expressing and resolving their anger.
To find an authorized Anger Solutions for Kids provider in or near your community, please contact us: 1-800-754-6169.

Friday, May 11, 2012

New Book Shines a Light on Bullying


Local Authors Shine a Light on Bullying in New Guide for Parents

Niagara Falls, ON: Imagine what it must be like to be the parent of a bullied child, to feel helpless after calling the school countless times to complain about the bullying behaviour, only to be told it has been taken care of. Imagine the hours that might be spent seeking out resources in the school or in the community to help a traumatized child recover from repeated incidents of bullying. How can concerned parents ensure that their child will be safe at school, maintain a balanced home life, and navigate the system to secure timely and appropriate support services for their child? Laurie Flasko’s daughter, Amanda was bullied through her final year of elementary school and into high school. The bullying was so severe that Amanda became ill, suicidal, and developed post-traumatic stress disorder. Bullying is Not a Game: A Parents’ Survival Guide details the Flasko family’s journey as they navigated the school, legal, medical, and mental health systems to secure a safe place for Amanda, and to move along the road to recovery.

In Bullying is Not a Game, Laurie Flasko and Julie Christiansen share practical advice and tips for parents on how to “get through and survive” the experience of bullying. Flasko and Christiansen acknowledge that bullying is becoming too much the norm rather than the exception in our schools. They also recognize that with more and more children taking their lives as a result of bullying, that society is at the tipping point, and radical change must take place in order for this trend to be reversed. “We hope that this new book will serve as a practical guide for parents of bullied children, to show them that there is hope, and most importantly, that recovery is possible. We stress that the parents are their child’s best advocate, and provide a host of resources to help parents navigate the very muddy waters of bullying”.

Bullying is Not a Game is endorsed by Dr. Debra Pepler of York University who wrote the foreword. It also includes submissions from Barbara Coloroso, Niagara Regional Police Services, the District School Board of Niagara, the Distress Centre, the John Howard Society, and several community stakeholders and private practitioners who are concerned about the effects of bullying. The book will be released on May 29th, 2012 at White Oaks Conference Resort and Spa. This event is open to the public.


Event Details:

Book Launch

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 7 p.m.

White Oaks Conference Resort and Spa

RSVP: www.angersolution.com or www.laurieflasko.com

For Interviews Contact:

Laurie Flasko



Julie Christiansen



Backgrounder – About the Authors:

Laurie Flasko - Laurie Flasko is a wife, daughter, sister, friend but her most important accomplishment is mom to a beautiful successful young woman. She is also a professional speaker, coach and trainer. She brings twenty years of experience in the fields of leadership, customer service, and teambuilding. Genuinely committed to the success of others, she inspires her audience to reach for extraordinary. Laurie is a member of Canadian Speakers Association as well as the National Speakers Association. Visit www.laurieflasko.com

Julie Christiansen - An internationally recognized speaker, and published author, Julie Christiansen brings close to 20 years experience in group and individual counseling. Branded as “Oprah for the Office” and “The Anger Lady” by her clients, she has been compared to the likes of Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and a M.A. in Counselling Psychology, and teaches Psychology at George Brown College. Julie created the Anger Solutions™ Program, which is now in use in several cities across Canada and internationally. As an expert on anger and stress, Julie is a sought after guest expert for print, television, and radio media. Her passion lies in helping people to create radical, positive, and lasting change through her coaching, training, and corporate programs – all provided by her company, Leverage U. She is the author of several books including Getting Past Your Past (Audio), Anger Solutions, When the Last Straw Falls, and Anger Solutions by the Book.